Reserve your ticket today! Call 907.283.7752 or visit to register. Tickets are $99 for this incredible one day Leadership event and lunch will be provided. There is a special rate of $79 for those in ministry, call for more information. Send your staff, leaders, and anyone you know that might be interested. Group discounts are available.Many Companies send their employees or will pay for tickets to a leadership training event like this. This is a great tool for your church or business!
Jim Collins - Author of "Good to Great"
Tony Dungy - Retired Coach for the Indianapolis Colts
John Maxwell - Best-selling leadership Author
Ed Bastian - President of Delta Airlines
Jim Goodnight - CEO of SAS Institute Inc.
Chip Heath - Author of "Made to Stick"
Ben Carson - Johns Hopkins professor and Neurosurgeon
Connie Podesta - Expert in Psychology and leadership
Steve Uzzell - Award-winning corporate photographer
Mark Sanborn - Best-selling author of "The Fred Factor"
visit for details