Thursday, November 3, 2011

DSOM Summit

Dr. Wade and Susan Cogan and I (Brad) are attending the annual District School of Ministry summit in Columbus, Ohio.  This is a time when the School of Ministry leaders get together to learn from each other and look ahead to future improvements.  The 27th DSOM has just recently been approved, it is exciting to see this movement growing.

One thing I am really excited about is that Alaska is giving back!  We are currently the only DSOM doing the Simulcast Venue.  Today, we demonstrated the Simulcast system to the rest of the DSOM leaders.  Dr. Campbell was in Anchorage at the Network Office, and he and Dr. Cogan demonstrated how the system works.  It was received very favorably, and many saw possibilities for how their District could utilize this technology.

Dr. Cogan leading the Discussion

Another way Alaska is contributing is with textbooks.  Pastor Jack Aiken of Eagle River saw a need for a good Ephesians textbook.  So he wrote and published one!  He gave us a copy to distribute free to each of the District Schools of Ministry today. 

The New York District School of Ministry has developed Hispanic curriculum for the entire CM level.  They have blessed each DSOM by providing us with a copy of this.  That is the beauty of the DSOM movement and why the cost is so low....everything is shared.  Alaska is already taking advantage of this curriculum, and the first AKSOM Hispanic  venue will be taking place on November 12th.  I (Brad) will be teaching Life of Christ, and Pastor Gil Nantes will be translating.

Supt. Dave Dillon, the Superintendent of the Appalachian District and pictured below, is the President of DSOM, and this event was hosted by the Ohio Ministry Network.  It was a great time of sharing and fellowship.  We are grateful for what the Lord is doing to equip the called throughout our fellowship, whether it be through DSOMs, Bible Colleges, or Church Based Schools.  I am excited about how God will use AKSOM to continue to develop people for ministry in Alaska.  Dr. Wade Cogan is doing an excellent job as Director.  His wife, Susan, does a great job doing the administrative tasks.  Thanks also to Dr. Campbell for serving on the leadership team, and to the professors, Voice to the Village, the students, and all the technical support staff who help make AKSOM possible. 

As a reminder, you can tune in this Saturday at 9:30am at to view the Simulcast.

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