Friday, November 16, 2012

Alaska Youth Conference 2012

God did exciting things at the 2012 Alaska Youth Conference.  Thanks to Youth Director Mark and Heidi Zweifel and the AK Youth team for directing an excellent event.  My 1 Shirt was launched this year.  My 1 shirt helps us identify with the fact that many people around the world own only one shirt.  It is a way of giving Speed the Light funds to make a difference in those areas of the world.  You can learn more about how you can still be involved at:
The after party was a big hit this year, complete with a dodgeball tournament.  Florida Youth Director Al Force was the speaker this year, and we appreciate his ministry to Alaska.
Brandon Bee was the worship leader again this year.  It was thrilling to see a generation worshipping God with all their hearts.


  1. Awesome! It is so cool seeing the increase of youth come to AKYC from the villages!
